Solace Day 2

My first chance this year to photograph a butterfly, and what a poor specimen it is. Poor peacock!

We hadn’t gone far when a boater approaching us told us that the next lock, the Aston, was damaged and advised us to turn at the marina. We did this but then moored so we could go and see for ourselves and report the damage as boats had used it as recently as last night.

A boat was trying to come down through the lock and someone poked about in the water with a pole to dislodge a loose brick which was resting on a ledge preventing the lock gate from closing. Success! We relayed the message to Solace so Richard could reverse into the marine and we would continue our journey.

The Man wanted me to check the bread he had made me and, in the confines of a very small kitchen, we turned towards each other and my arm collided with the hot baking dish. Ooooooouch!

Lovely sunny day for our journey today.

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