Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Lilies of the field

..or poppy, if you'd rather ;)

This is a field poppy, not a garden variety, and I've seen plenty of ox-eye daisies and a few cornflowers.  And dog roses.  But I always get surprised this time of year what a huge variety of wild plants haven't even begun to show buds, let alone colour.  So this came as a sudden delight today, blowing about on the side of a road amongst plenty of seeding grasses.

Apart from that, rather a lot of my day has been spent shopping and at the hospital (blood test, follow-up appointment and suchlike).  Which means tonight I shall enjoy unwinding and watching the second episode of Versailles and feel - with or without justification - that I've earned it.

Have a good evening too, lovely people  xx

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