Friday pint

The day was topped and tailed with an invite first thing to the pub for tea and fish and chips, a pint and a pudding at the end. And the best of company of course. This is not my pint but the bestest friend's pint of Wicked Blonde. And on the way home, we heard Elton John singing and even saw him on the big screens without joining the 17 000 other folk sat in the rain in a very big field. 

In between the day's pub related elements, I have finally got to grips with the scale of a job to be done.Now that I actually know what I am dealing with, actually getting on with it should be much easier. A couple of lessons taught and quite a bit achieved in between. The forecast downpour arrived with a vengeance five minutes before the final bell of the week rang so it delayed my departure somewhat but at least I didn't get caught in it. Unlike the official volunteer Bailey sitter when she walked Bailey. Her cider may have been some consolation; Bailey's steak certainly was.

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