Near the A9 underpass, at North Kessock. 

The undergrowth in the verges of the Council maintained roads (anything other than the trunk roads), is becoming more overgrowth - obscuring road signs, spilling out on to the roads, narrowing already narrow back roads, and scrapping against passing vehicles (and cyclists!). Last year there was only one trim of the local verges, and that was at the very end of Summer, with many areas untouched. How bad will it become this year?

The attractive and highly toxic Ragwort, is supposed to be controlled, but has been neglected for a good few years. Because of that, it has successfully proliferated, to the extent that it may now be considered as being, "out of control." Cutbacks...

= = = = = = = = = =

Extra: "3 - 2 - 1... BANG!"

The Motor Vehicle department made safe a couple of airbags, prior to their disposal, via a gadget I made for the purpose about seven years ago. First time I'd seen it in use. Unfortunately missed snapping the first one discharged, as the Student given the honour of pressing the button, failed to give us the countdown. It was much more impressive than this one. Missed the focus a bit for these, but at least I didn't jump when the thing did go off!

Take care if you're working on a vehicle with these fitted, lest your interference with the electrics, or walloping something with a big hammer, sets them all off. It will give you one helluva surprise...

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