Sibling Love

I couldn't resist blipping the two fawns again today. Helena, Arvin and I went for a short walk before dinner. As we stepped out the door I wanted to see if the fawns were there. I didn't see the mother who was resting beneath a tree. She got up and ambled away into the neighbor's garden. Perhaps the fawns were in the resting spot... so I checked and they were. I got another series of photos of them together. I loved this one. The fawn behind, the shyer one, was looking nervous. Her sibling gave her a reassuring nuzzle and the two meandered around and nibbled leaves until they thought I was too close and they bounded off into the greenery.

We met Helena at the Farmer's Market this morning and picked up our Wild Fish Wives CSA for the month. We also got fruit, veggies and bread. When we got home we decided to go to a movie and went to see "The Lobster" a very odd movie about a distopian world where people must have a mate at all times. If they don't they are sent to a hotel where they have 45 days to find one. If they don't they are turned into the animal of their choice. The "hero" chooses to be a lobster. Hence the name. I don't recommend this movie if you are squeamish. The world it presents is a bleak place and there is some graphic violence which we were not expecting. My take on the movie - really thought provoking and interesting but not even a tiny bit uplifting. Arvin hated it and Helena wasn't too far from that opinion herself. We cleansed our pallets by watching "Benny and Joon" at home later in the evening. Now that is a sweet movie with engaging characters.

Thanks to everybody who commented on, gave stars and hearts to, my blip of these same sweet fawns yesterday. I really appreciate your visits. Thank you.

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