Waiting for the photographs

Although the wedding on Skye was a lovely event  and we all had a really great time,  waiting to have the photographs taken was a wee  bit of an ordeal because of the midges.

Flora, the grandmother of the bride , and her sister were made as comfortable as possible, with seats in the middle of the driveway to the Skeabost House Hotel (where the reception was held and which was excellent) but they couldn't avoid the attention of clouds of these particularly vicious beasts,  .  Nor could the rest of us and in evidence I now  have two red lines of bites across my legs where there was skin exposed between kilt and socks. 

Karen and Adam, the bride and groom, were incredibly brave and patient and suffered at least an hour of the insects without complaint.   Others  - like the bridesmaid in my extra picture - fled as quickly as they could  from the worst spot which happened to be the exact place the photographer wanted in every shot .

There are some more pictures on my Flickr site.

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