.... does not quite seem to qualify for Tiny Tuesday with Walking Wombat this week, but we have had an absolutely full on fun day out and about with Alice today.

Reckon we did every playground in Penrith, or our bodies feel like it was everyone!! Had a picnic lunch at one, and above us she spotted this galah munching on these ..... "drum roll".... tiny seeds!!!

Look Pop, tiny Tuesday shot!!!

As it turned out the only shot pretty much that gets close to fitting, so have tagged it! Hope that's okay WW?

And, it being another stunning winters day, the light here in the canopy of the tree just giving such a different feel.

Enjoy, and sure have a look in LARGE will show they are tiny, and seems very tasty.

... also sorry been bad on comment again lately, will try and catch up, but really appreciate your dropping by with feedback and comments. 

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