Great North Sheep!

We passed this sheep yesterday on the way to our swim and she had the hat and goggles. When we passed her this morning on our way to watch Mrs C set off on her epic 5K swim she had acquired a medal!!
It was another early start this morning but thankfully I had a much better night's sleep so felt a lot more human.
Miss K, Mrs M and I packed all our things up before heading to the lake to see Mrs C off on her way. 5K, wow!!!!
Once she was in the rest of us went to the creperie van for pots of tea and cafetieres of coffee. It was lovely wandering round, soaking up the atmosphere and being able to enjoy it without having to struggle into a wetsuit!!
Then it was time to say goodbye to Mrs S and head home.
As always the journey home took a fraction of the time that the journey up took. We passed the time eating sweets and Pringles, singing along to the radio, attempting the cryptic crossword in the paper (easier said than done having clues read out loud and not being able to make head nor tales out of them!!) Mrs M and I managed to get a few. She's never done it before and I'm out of practice. I must do them regularly again - keep senility at bay!!
We only stopped once and made it home in super quick time. Why can't it by like that on Friday afternoons?!!
I dropped Miss K and Mrs M home and came home for an hour or so's peace before Mr K got home with the Little Misses. 
Miss E had a party at Build-a-Bear this afternoon and while she was there Mr K and Miss L went to Ikea. To replace the easel that evil Mummy sold at the car boot sale the other day for £4. Miss L - despite having not used it for at least a year - has been completely distraught about it and pointing out at every opportunity that I didn't ask her before selling it.
Let's not forget art is her destiny!!!

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