Big Dogs

There's an old saying 'round these parts..."If you can't run with the Big Dogs, you'd better stay on the porch!" (I've heard other forms of it that aren't so 'nice'.) 
So today Tara got to play with Ginny and her 'sister' Molly, two absolutely gorgeous young Great Danes. Both dogs are Rescues and both were saved just in time because they were about to be euthanized for being 'Aggressive'. Ginny's, (shown in my blip today), crime was jumping on someone. She had never been taught not to jump as a puppy. 
Her dad-to-be got a call in the wee hours of the morning saying that she was to be put to death that day. He rushed to adopt her and saved her life. In today's 'Extra' you'll see Ginny and Molly in all of their BigDog Glory! They are so incredibly sweet and the nickname 'Gentle Giants' certainly fits these two girls! When it comes time for you to find your very best friend in the whole world, Please consider a shelter animal. There are so many stories out there!

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