Upward and Outward

Dear Diary,

A wonderfully cool morning...such a relief!  We might even get a thunderstorm this afternoon with some much needed rain.  I will be out early continuing to dead-head the iris and peonies taking advantage of these cooler temperatures.

The hops vine doesn't seem to care about our drought.  It is continuing its relentless upward and outward journey.  I particularly like the way my copper flying pig weather vane is encircled by it in the distance.  The bokeh effect on its wings is lovely too.  On life's spiral dance, we are definitely moving upward and outward as well.  Summer invites one to reach out, embracing the world around you.

I have taken Mrs Phoebe's advice to heart today.  I will choose peace and not stress.  Matt will be here tomorrow to help me finish up the final chores so I am in a good place.  I plan to relax and enjoy my little garden and be thankful for all the blessings I have in my life...a good way to spend this gorgeous day.

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