Seven Hills Challenge

 Forget the 'Three Peaks Challenge'............................   Today we completed the '7 hills challenge' and now Ann is almost dead I’m having a well deserved snooze!

Edinburgh is built on seven hills and the challenge is to run up and down them in the shortest time possible.  Obviously we did not run because Ann does not do running.  And to be honest, by the time we got to Carlton Hill (which was our 5th hill) I wasn’t doing much running either?!  At the top of Carlton Hill we stopped for a rest and Ann had a ham & cheese toastie but she didn’t share. 

This Blip shows me at the top of ‘Craiglockhart Hill East’; our first hill of the day which we climbed before 8am.  Mad or what??  Then it was off to Braid Hills and then Blackford Hill.  In between Braid Hills & Blackford Hill we stumbled across the most lovely dog friendly cafe ever.  (For the benefit of all you Edinburgh Blippers – It’s at the back of the Braid Hills Golf Centre on Liberton Drive, but has something to do with autism & a lot of the produce is produced in an allotment that autistic people work on.  Ann had a very yummy bacon roll but she didn’t share!)

After ‘Blackford Hill’ off we went up ‘Arthur’s Seat’ which just about killed the both of us.?!!  Extremely busy up there with mainly studenty type people.  Ann just sat on a rock and rested for a while.  I went off exploring  because lots of people were having picnics.  I got quite a few tasty titbits at the top of Arthur’s Seat.  Yum, yum!

Then it was off to Carlton Hill, Edinburgh Castle Esplande and finally Corstorphine Hill.

Left the flat at 7.30am and got home at 5pm.  No wonder we’re tired??!!

Update on the ‘Big Edinburgh flat refurbishment’..........................

(Mainly just for our own records, so stop reading now if you’re only interested in a gorgeous little collie.)

All the guys that have been working on this refurbishment are fabulous.  BUT – in retrospect we should have delayed this visit by a week.  The decorators are working really hard but the walls are in a dreadful state so have to be plastered and then the plaster has to dry and then the lining paper has to go on and then the lining paper has to dry and then the first coat of paint has to go on and that has to dry, etc, etc, etc,....................  And there’s just soooooooo much dust everywhere.  Every evening Ann cleans but the dust must be floating around in the atmosphere because every morning everything is covered in a thin film of dust again.  And obviously the decorators/joiner are constantly sanding stuff down.

We’re supposed to be entertaining at the weekend but are going to have to cancel.  Our two sofas are still stacked up in the bedroom, our very lovely joiner has started to build all the IKEA furniture that we bought yesterday but that’s stacked up in the bedroom.

All there is in the living room is our new TV on an old coffee table.  And now the cooker doesn’t work?!  We couldn’t get the hob to work last night & Andy texted today to say all was good but we think he’s put the child locks on & now nothing will work.  So fish & chips it is then???


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