Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

On Wednesday, chamberlainjohn wrote:
Let's hope for a good tomorrow.    I suppose that either way those lovely florets will still be there.  The bees will buzz and the song thrush sing.

How very true, but impossible to see or hear them with the same gladness I felt yesterday.  Last night, I tried to stay awake to watch the results. I naively assumed that the vote would be close, but that we would remain. I fell asleep in the chair and retired to bed at about 0130. When I woke this morning I was in time to hear the results and then David Cameron make his resignation speech.

The world seemed to have shifted. Now that I am not at work, I live more in a bubble, surrounding myself with like minded friends. The desire to leave was clearly very great among other groups or was some of the vote due to a general disaffection with their lives and perceived future?

The first blip I saw this morning was from indusriver who wrote:
"How will I tell my children this morning?" and then included this wonderful quotation from Nelson Mandela:
"May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears"

In the garden today, I found that the mock orange (Philadelphus) has started to bloom. It is yet another favourite of mine. Here is one isolated bloom, bravely weathering a sudden heavy thunderstorm. Each bloom looks so fragile.

We must look for postive ways forward now.

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