
I didn't intent to stay up watching TV until 6am but I got caught up in the referendum coverage.  I just couldn't go to bed until I knew the outcome.  As time went on it became obvious the the Leave vote was going to be the winner.  As time went on I got more and more worried.  At around 5am it was announcd that we would be leaving the EU.  Oh dear.  When I got up this morning it was to find that David Cameron had stepped down and no-one really knew how things were going to proceed. Scary times.

I am not too good with words but I think Folkie Booknerd's blip today says everything that I feel myself.  Check it out HERE

Neil stayed here last night and he had a late start today so I cooked him steak and dauphinouse potatoes before he left for work.

Later on I walked down to the village to get some shopping in Tesco. They had run out of strawberries, raspberries and blueberries - all things I was intending to buy.  So I got grapes, blackberries and cherries instead.

The weather was warm but a bit drizzly at times.  When I got back I did a bit more gardening.  It was still drizzling but I didn't mind as it was warm rain.  Blackie came and kept me company while I was gardening.  He found shelter under a large bush.

This evening we have had very heavy rain and a few claps of thunder.  One thunderclap was so loud that poor Tino shot out of his bed and stood in the hall looking scared stiff.  He eventually settled down again.

Its Flower Friday and the "twist" is  CARD.  So I got some card, covered it with pretty paper, stuck a spray of  ( fake ) flowers on the front and took a photo.  I used the Polaroid feature on Picasa and added some words.  First time I have managed to add words so I was quite pleased about that. Thanks to BikerBear for hosting the challenge.

Steps today - 8,229

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