Referendum - The net day

"The problem with the world is that intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence" Charles Buckowski.
I stole this quote from “IntoTheHills” and it describes my feelings about the referendum, and the people voting for, and leading, the “leave” group.  Whenever someone gives you a simple answer to a big political question don’t listen to them. Unfortunately too many people did just that.
Here in Sweden it’s a national holiday, Midsummer Eve, and in between discussions on the results, politics, the EU, and Monsanto, we fitted in some excellent food and a good walk. The dogs in the foreground look fairly friendly here but the youngster, Rusty, wanted to play all the time, while the more mature and larger Monja didn’t want to play at all and a lot of quiet baring of the teeth went on.
I hope that’s not a metaphor for the two sides in the referendum.

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