Lego Castle

Our American friends have now left after two really lovely days staying with us, so with the departure of the two young lads the house has suddenly become eerily quiet! (They're now in York to see the sights there; we're looking forward to seeing them again briefly here in Newcastle on Wednesday evening before they fly back to the States on Thursday.)

While they were here we let them loose with our mountain of Lego, and they came up with this rather splendid castle scene. I suspect a little time-travel has been going on as there is an interesting mix of personnel and weapons. I note that C3P0, up on the ramparts, is holding a crossbow and there are some other droids including R2D2 - but there are also characters from other eras including (I think) a Viking or two as well. But what's wrong with a bit of artistic licence?

Apologies to fellow blippers that I'm way behind with comments - we've been so well entertained by our visitors that there's been little time over the weekend for blipping!  ;-)

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