Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Just a House Finch

Although it was an eventful day in some respects, I decided to go with one of our most common yard birds, the House Finch.  Taken late in the afternoon when the sun through the trees was creating some nice bokeh, it seems a nice way to close the day.  A day which started...

...when Hubs and I were quietly enjoying his famous walnut/blueberry pancakes at the kitchen table.  I glanced out the window and saw a young black bear, poised on the top step of our deck, gazing back at me.  I sprang into action, grabbing the paintball gun while Hubs grabbed the air horn.  By the time we gathered our weapons, the bear was well away, heading into the woods.  However, Hubs (who had at this point grabbed the gun from me after I'd missed the bear by a mile) was able to hit a branch near the bear which sent it speeding off into the woods.  Victory!

Later in the day, I was sitting quietly on the patio when a young downy woodpecker landed in a plant about 4 feet in front of me.  She watched me for a moment, then flew straight at me, landing momentarily on my head.  Not sure who was more surprised.  Perhaps I looked like a tree?  Or suet?

Allergies are eating me up today so I ended up taking a nap after lunch.  Hubs, in a show of solidarity, got in a quick nap too, before heading out to trim the dogwood tree.  

TTFN, people...


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