Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Just one last look...

I wasn't planning on this today, but I just couldn't resist one last image of this gorgeous black swallowtail caterpillar.  Tomorrow, by this time, it will be a chrysalis, bearing no resemblance to what you are seeing today.  Unlike Monarch caterpillars who hang upside down in a J position before pupating, these cats form a sling.  There is a button of silk on the bottom of the cat and then, if you look closely, you'll see a thin strand of silk near the head.  That strand attaches the top of the cat to the branch.  It may seem flimsy, but the silk they use is surprisingly strong, meant to withstand winds, rain and some knocking about.  Fascinating stuff.  And
I feel pretty lucky to have a beautiful caterpillar as my emergency blip today.  

It seems like I spent much of the day running around with very little to show for my efforts.  I had 2 visits with MIL, mainly because I forgot to bring her laundry when I went this morning.  She was full of sass and laughter both times.  Then a trip to the store to get cold tablets, tissues and OJ for Hubs who is in the throes of a major man-cold.  Then, Home Depot to buy a replacement feeder to replace one of the ones the bear got last night.  A quick walk.  And now it's 5:30.  Where did this day go???

That damned bear hauled three feeders into the woods last night.  I managed to get one back this morning as it was only about 15 feet in and the bear was no where to be seen.  Glad to get it back as it's one of my best feeders.  Happily, it's a sturdy metal hanging tray so it didn't sustain any damage at all.  The birds are now reduced to one suet feeder,  however, unless I can be outside to supervise.  

Tomorrow I'm off to join my naturalist group for a walk on a portion of the Appalachian Trail.  This is place where we usually find Baltimore Checkerspot butterflies, but I'm not sure what to expect this year as all butterfly numbers seem down.  We'll see.

Thanks for the love on my hummingbird yesterday.  As I was having tea on the patio this morning, they were buzzing around chattering madly.  Made for a very nice start to the day.


PS:  If you are interested in seeing photos of this cat at the various phases of it's development, click links below...
First Instar - one day old and less than 1/16 inch long
Six days old
Third instar and looking totally different - 16 days old
Day 20 and molting into last instar

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