On her way

What a day it was. After all the preparations and hard work that goes into a wedding the whole day was one of the best we've been to. Laura and Thomas have a whole bunch of friends who helped bring the wedding together and a fine job they made of it too.

It was undoubtedly Laura and Thomas's wedding, very much a DIY event, reflecting their lifestyle and beliefs. Both are staunch environmentalists with a deep interest in and respect for the natural world.

The wedding itself was held at Ravensheugh Log Cabin on cliffs overlooking the Firth of Forth with a sweeping beach and Bass Rock as a backdrop to to the outdoor ceremony. The weather was reasonably kind, cool and grey but could have been a whole lot worse but just imaging the situation if the sun had been shining.

To select just one photograph for the day was a bit of a challenge, given I've many shots on the big camera but no access to the SD card for a while. I have uploaded some to Flickr but will upload some more in due course.

From the magical setting of Ravensheugh we moved to Garvald Village Hall for the remainder of the event. Great food,m topped off with a naked wedding cake, very good speeches and a superb and energetic caley afterwards. The Hall looked lovely, all decorated with all sorts of flowers and drapes. A night of fine Scottish hospitality.

A final burst of Auld Lang Syne and Loch Lomond brought the evening to a rousing finale.

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