Carberry Tower

We stayed at Carberry Tower for the nights either side of the wedding day. A Jekyll and Hyde place, grand and sumptuous public rooms and some spectacular bedrooms with 4 poster beds and acres of space. Our room, nice enough, was on the third floor in what would have been the servants quarters.

So that was the Jekyll part, elegant and refined. The Hyde bit focuses around attention to detail and the breakfasts. Breakfasts in particular was a comedy of errors, porridge brought with the cooked breakfast (which I wondered was an obscure Scottish tradition, but wasn't), lukewarm tea and coffee from flasks which couldn't be brought to the table one day but could the next. Fizzy fruit salad was another of the many inconsistencies which I won't go into. The hotel has such potential but let's itself down.

Today was like "after the Lord Mayor's Show" sorting and tidying up the Village Hall after the wedding. Taking down decorations and generally dismantling, stacking, fetching and carrying, counting and checking, up and down ladders until all was crammed into three cars and set off back to Edinburgh.

Time for a bite to eat and a recuperative walk around Harlaw and Threipmuir Reservoirs rounded off the day.

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