New ball

She still has to learn that if she doesn't give it back, I can't throw it again for her. There was much dancing around with a ball in mouth ( really her, def not me)

Work was work, then went to have dinner with my parents. Had a v lovely time, I have to remember they only actually live just down the road more often. Before I left I managed to close the dining room off to the world for ever. The pliers needed to make the handle work were on the other side of the door. I'm sure they will get used to one less room in the house in no time.

Then home to cobble together some very dodgy homemade looking biscuits for Will to take to his summer fair tomorrow out of 3 month old biscuit dough I found in the freezer and a chopped up bar of chocolate. It will make Will happy to take them in, I care not a jot what people think of them after my last offering of millionaires shortbread they sold for 10p a bit. Am not a good school mother any more I don't think. Although now I have written that I am struggling to remember when I ever was.

When will the hot, dry, sunny days come back btw?

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