The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

The Old Forge (Friday 1st July 2016)

Possibly not an award-winning photograph but this was taken from my loft. I am currently in the process of having a loft hatch installed in the ceiling of the front bedroom, the hatch I inherited having been too small for anyone older than four years old to have got through.

Access is needed to treat the rampant woodwork in the beams, many of which are the original ones dating from around 1750. Being an old forge there hadn't originally been a ceiling but the beams were there as part of the roof construction. The roof would originally have been thatched.

The loft man has been here for two days, so I haven't been able to go out,  and it seems likely he will have to return on Monday.

I was able to poke my head through the enlarged hatch and look at this, which looks as if it had been a window at one time and appears to have a wooden lintel above it.

Once the woodworm has been treated the project will be to install lighting, power and finally boards to enable storage, and I look forward to having a close look at the forge chimney, which is concealed in the rest of the house.

30.6.2016 (1118 hr)

Blip #1909 (#2129 including archived blips)
Consecutive Blip #000
Day #2290
LOTD #1114 (#1238 including archived blips)

Taken with Pentax KS-1 (Blue) and Pentax smc P-DA 12-24mm F4.0 ED/AL (IF) lens

Old Forge series

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Magnet - Willow's Song (1972)
R.I.P. Robin Hardy (2 October 1929 – 1 July 2016), director of The Wicker Man.
From the soundtrack of the film The Wicker Man, Magnet were actually a folk rock band called Hocket. In some editions of the film they were credited as Lodestone. Britt Ekland apparently sings the song in the film but the singer was actually Lesley Mackie, who played Daisy in the film. Like most of the music in the film, the song was adapted from traditional material by Paul Giovanni. This is another track from the Dust On The Nettles CD set.

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