Two for one

Half day today, and for once it wasn't raining! I am in a very good mood as I finally (after 4 years of trapping) caught a Peach Blossom moth last night, there will no doubt be a blip about it very soon.
I decided to go and have another look at the Chalk fragrant orchids at Box Hill, but I left it too late and despite the cool conditions they were all really going over :-( 
But, there  were loads of butterflies, mostly Ringlets, Meadow browns and Marbled whites but I did also see Small tortoiseshells, Dark green fritillaries, Common blues and a Comma. 
The Marbled whites were everywhere! I think I must have easily seen 300 - what a display! 
I wandered round the tall grasses for a while until I came upon a patch of brambles that was literally full of butterflies, including 3 beautiful Dark green fritillaries Argynnis aglaja, the female of which jumped on my finger for a quick photo shoot as you can see in my extras.
For my main blip I decided on this shot of a Marbled white Melanargia galathea and a Comma Polygonia c-album both nectaring together on the bramble flowers, not something you see every day!
I will certainly be off to Box Hill again - ASAP

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