Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Lest We Forget

I saw this field of poppies yesterday from a hill about a mile away.  They stood out like a ribbon of red in the greenness of the countryside.  Then the news was full of the commemoration of the start of the Battle of the Somme, 100 years ago today, so I looked to the possibility of being able to visit and photograph.

'Luckily" I had to work this evening near the field, so I popped up before hand.  I even pre-visualised this shot as I had seen rainbows forming as I drove towards the field. I'd have preferred more time to compose the shot, but the rainbow was fading fast and had never created a full span across the sky. In the end there were so many shots to take.  I've added a couple of others as comparison.

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