Long and lovely Day!

Well aside from finding Nutmeg outside the coop when I opened this morning - I swear to everything that although being a lovely man his coop and chicken duties leave everything to be desired. Poor Nutmeg was really past caring however - I picked her up and put her in the catbasket in the shade to die peacefully.
The opther horrendous find was a horde of red mites along  the nesting  boxes lid masses of them in their blood red colour. I had intended to do a good clean but I did a deep clean, inside, outside- I drenched the lot! Then went on to clean the bins and scrape the top layer of mixed wet soil and poo away from around the food bins. I got my wheelbarrow to bring down the bag of Meal I had bought yesterday and discovered a whole load of slow worms under it - rushed to get my camera but they had all slithered away! Finally  the burning of the mite infested bedding  in the incinerator. Unfortunately a couple arrived just as i lit it! But they were fine about it and we chatted gardening, photography and Brexit! 
I checked on Nutmeg, comatose but still breathing. I had intended visiting a Brocante market but I didn't want to just leave her and I had so many other enjoyable things to do on the plot. Ohmy! Gardening over shopping - whatever next!!! So on to put some Cosmos I had grown on at home and some sunflowers that had rooted in my pots from the spillage the birds make, into my flower beds! A bit of weeding, taking the yellowing leaves off my potatoes and time for a cuppa! Finally Nutmeg passed away so dug a big hole to bury her next to Alice and Doris. Unfortunately it was right on an ants nest and they were not happy and bit me - again and again - I thought it was only red ants that bit! I scavenged some wood from the pile left by the gate for anyone who wanted it and lay big planks over her grave to stop her being dug up by critters. The Allotment Chairman arrived as I was getting it and he showed me a video his son had sent from China of the monsoon floods pouring through a shopping centre. Oh the marvels of Mobile phones! 
As I had brought down more wood than I needed I then dug down into the  bed I made yesterday and made it enclosed- damn it looks fine and i can't wait to plant in it! By this time I was getting tired and sunburnt, so home, food, a bit of a blip browse, an hours nap and then off to the allotment again as the evening light was so beautiful! I stopped here and there to take photos and I just love the way the sun hits our local church. At the allotment corn for the girls, a few more transplanting of Lupins that were growing too close together, watering in of all plants put in today and a good sprinkling of slug pellets! I call that one fine day - even with Nutmegs demise -I'm just pleased she slipped  away gently. 

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