Just trying to survive

By NovaLovesFrogs

Cosmo ♡

Back-blipping for yesterday (this pist is for the 3rd of July, posted on the 4th).

I pulled most of my stitches out because they'd outlived their usefulness and were contributing more to the pain. The oral surgeon had told me I only needed them for the first two days. I warned him that I have a problem with oral stitches popping really early and then causing severe irritation and sometimes infection. He'd told me I could pull them when that started happening. I tried to keep them in for longer, but they'd started keeping the wounds open instead of closing them.

Cosmo seems to be doing fantastic. On Tuesday or Wednesday we'll call up the vet and ask him when he wants to check Cosmo's kidney function and what, if anything, we want to do about his diet.

We have puppy pee pads all over the house for Cosmo. He likes to run around the house and pee on multiple pads whenever emptying his bladder. Now, usually, when an animal is going in multiple places, one immediately after the other, it's a bad sign. It usually means they're having a lot of trouble vouding their bladder.

In Cosmo's case, however, there's no evidence of him straining and his urine is pretty perfect in appearance and smell. We've been paying very close attention to it. He seems to just be thrilked at being able to pee, so he's peeing everywhere. (Thankfully, he's only peeing in places we've designated for him to pee.)

Cosmo is fairly energetic and snuggly. He's very happy. Appetite is great. He's been enjoying listening to the fireworks and watching the ones he can see. (Cosmo loves fireworks. Tuxie doesn't mind them. Nova likes professional firework shows but is still very jumpy at the sounds of people in the neighborhood shooting them off.)

I hope you all are doing well. Take care and be careful. I love you all so very much.

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