Free food

Free for all Mono Monday challenge

Firstly I'm sorry if this blip upsets anyone.

I couldn't believe my luck this morning, as I stood in the kitchen preparing my fruit and muesli. I looked up and there he was, standing guard over his catch....a young starling I think :-(

I know it's nature and all that but still not something I like to see. I grabbed my camera and took a couple of shots through the window before I crept outside....Initially he didn't stir, but hub was upstairs and opened the bedroom window, which spooked him, together with his prey he hopped over the fence into next doors garden. Sorry, they will now have all those feathers to clear up!!!

Lovely morning today, bright sunshine and blue skies......walked down into town, a few bits and bobs were needed. We had a coffee in Reds then bumped into our neighbour, and yes, they had all those feathers :-/

Surprisingly this afternoon it clouded over, then chucked it down....hub wasnt too put out as he had put lawn feed down yesterday! Luckily, he had just finished picking a load of red currants which are now dripping through a mesh bag, ready to be made into red currant and mint jelly.

I've filled all the photos I'd downloaded from the iPad onto our laptop before our holiday....a job and a half!!

Just watching Andy Murray, looks like an easyish win coming up :-)

Sweet and sour pork stir fry tonight, to use up the rest of the roast pork :-)

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