
We left home at 0730 this morning for my husband’s Addenbrookes appointment, the traffic was very light and we had plenty of time for coffee before his 0900 hours appointment.
As we have been in Cambridge quite a lot recently we decided to call at Scotsdales Garden Centre for breakfast and a wander round before coming home. A few plants were purchased but not much else.
Oliver’s flight home from Switzerland was this afternoon and as usual I tracked most of the way home although his plane was already half-way up France before I found him.
Although it was raining when we left home this morning, it has been warm and sunny ever since, except for a cold wind blowing while we waited for the Park and Ride bus at Addenbrookes. 
Today’s picture is of one of our beehives, taken from quite a long way away as I am allergic to bee stings and carry an adrenaline Epi-pen. The beehives are situated in part of the deliberately left wild area in our orchard.

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