The Dance Continues

I have started spinal rehab for my sciatica, and as usual when encouraged to attend to my body in positive ways, it has renewed the dancer in me. I go two times a week and work with the guidance of a smart and caring physical therapist. We begin with twenty minutes of heat on my grateful back. Then massage and stretching. It is very hands on and K manages to be thorough and gentle simultaneously. As chronically fatigued as I have been of late, I find the enthusiasm and energy to go full out on whatever is asked of me. Then I come home, eat a snack, and collapse on my bed for a while. On the days when I don't have rehab, I do my stretches and exercises here. This is done on the rug in the studio with music, and not surprisingly, it always turns into a dance.

The picture above was taken when Pearl decided to join me on the rug, and I got her old pink tunnel out to see if she might like to play a bit as I danced. It wasn't very active play, but she certainly enjoyed renewing her acquaintance with the tunnel, and I couldn't help photographing her pleasure.

I am posting an old snapshot that my sister brought over this week of young Leif on East Beach. At first I couldn't believe it was me, couldn't imagine my ever having such a strong and youthful body, let alone that attitude of hope, anticipation, and confidence. But the nose is pretty obvious, and the hairstyle, and the dancer is there. She has just danced, or is about to dance. She is so happy to be the dancer she is born to be.

Thanks to Connections for inspiring me by posting a lovely photo of her younger self.

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