In the mood....

....for ice cream.

Hmmm I've done something I shouldn't, but I'm not feeling guilty, even though I probably should. 

I didn't wake up until it was almost the afternoon. It was raining so I snuggled down with my book....until Jude rang. We went along to the Lowry for a little mooch and a cuppa. 

It is the Concert on the Green tonight down in Worsley, what a shame that it is pouring down. I didn't know anyone who was going, I didn't know anyone free whom I could ask along....sigh. Anyway, I had no photo so I decided to brave the rain, drive down, have a walk round, see if I knew anyone in a gazebo so that I could gatecrash their little soiree and take a pic. 

There weren't as many gazebos as usual round the Green and only the stalwarts were sitting on chairs and soggy picnic rugs in the middle. I did a circuit and had a look in each gazebo, but sadly I didn't recognise anyone...well not enough to gatecrash anyway. I was on my way back to the car when the swing band began to play In the Mood ....quite apt. It was then I spotted Mr Softee stuck in the soft soggy mud. Well I had to hang around in the hope that someone slipped face down in the mud and take a few shots as a rescue mission got underway. 

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