Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Day 14

3 more sleeps until he's home...

Today I might actually be venturing out the house to go pick my mum up from wherever she's been on holiday. Lucky thing for being able to get out the house.
But to occupy myself I have been writing thank you cards to all the people who came to my birthday party or gave me presents or something. I did fake tan yesterday (because of boredem) and I was a bit disappointed at the lack of tan I was. I mean yeah, I'm brown but I wanted to be a different race. But all I have is a light tan and a curry scent. (No racist pun, just the truth).

Now Johnpillow smells like curry. The t-shirt has come off the pillow so now he's mearly a naked Johnpillow... Oooo..

This picture is one I took in Corbridge when I was with ro, it reminds me of a picture I took on the London Eye a while back.

Diet check: Havent eaten breakfast, probably going to have cranberry wheats again. We have so much bacon and egg and I cant eat it. Its so painful.

Happy blipping


Not long.

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