Doors in Oslo # 92 Ljan school

Another school drawn by the architects Morgenstierne and Eide. 

This school was finished 2 years later that the school I blipped yesterday, that means in 1923.  This is also an elementary school. It was considered as the prettiest school in whole Scandinavia, and I think at least the door still have to be the grandest one. It was a debate around the choice to use private architects instead of the architect hired by the municipal, but the result became a school that stood out from municipal schools and building.

Extra shot: the school building

A local historian called this area of Oslo for "rich people in steep hills" and it's a good characteristic. Steep hills means view to die for! Location, location, location. But steep hills also means roads in wintertime to...
I have no idea how they come up those narrow roads and keep alive!

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