Valentino fast asleep and stretched out on the windowsill.

My day started better than yesterday - I made sure my bedroom door was tight shut last night to prevent Valentino creeping in this morning and being naughty. However Neil informed me that Valentino had howled and yowled and cried outside my bedroom door this morning for half an hour. I slept through it. No idea how - must have been in a deep sleep. Neil wasn't so lucky.

Strange day today with the weather - very dull and a bit humid but later in the day it has turned cooler and looks like rain.

Tomorrow I'm off to st James Park in Newcastle to see the Olympic Football - Brazil v New Zealand. The security is going to be tight. We are advised not to take a bag - if you do it will be searched and will cause delays - no liquids above 100 ml - similar to security at airports. Not sure of the rules re photographs but I will take a small camera and see if I can get any shots. Don't know where I will be sitting as I wasn't given any choice when I booked. Just hope I'm not too high up.

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