
By Veronica

Paraza: street view

I fancied a trip out today, so I went to the opening of an art exhibition in Paraza. Once again I've blipped  something other than the art. The corrugated cardboard sculptures were rather amusing though. I also did some macro photos for my Year with a Camera homework. This time I used the 35mm lens, which is rather more controllable than the zoom. A few photos from my day right from here.

Last night's Cinéma sous les étoiles was actually indoors due to it being windy. It was a Georgian film called La Terre Ephémère in French -- a better title than the English Corn Island. A cheery little number -- life's a bitch and then you die. But actually there was more to it than that. The images were beautiful, and it brought home the futility of fighting over borders when nature is implacable, as well as the futility of much human effort -- yet we endlessly recover and move on into another cycle of life. The symbolism was a bit heavy-handed at times, but  it was surprisingly interesting for a very slow and almost wordless film in which the action revolves around planting and harvesting corn.

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