.... spotted this Double barred Finch  all fluffed up in the freezing day we had today. It is a "new find" for me, so although not such a good shot as it was a fair distance away, and is only a very small bird, (about 12 cm max) still had to be my Blip.

High winds have caused massive damage around the State, and snow been recorded down as low as 100 metres in some places. Seems Paladian and Rower's event did arrive here after all....

Later today caught the dove in extra in a unique position as it was flying, and as it was all but dark not a good shot at all but thought a bit of fun in Topaz glow would be worthwhile? Let's know your thoughts?

Enjoy, and have a look in LARGE

... not happy as not only hardly any catch up on your journals, but also missed Tiny Tuesday yesterday, just one of those days!!!  

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