
I thought 1000 blips was an extraordinary number of photos to take on consecutive days when I started out nearly three years ago.  But, like so many of you, I'm sure, it has simply become a special part of my lifestyle.  

I notice more. 
I look more. 
I take more time listening and watching.  

I definitely live in the moment more.

I also thought 100 hilly miles in a day was not practical for my little legs only a short while ago and now I've done it twice.  Although today, I cycled 98 to prove I own the stats, not the other way round!

The forecast was for possible heavy showers this afternoon.  It was a 10am Yorkshire afternoon when it started!  Luckily, I was just over the top of this hill.  Last time I went around that first bend, I nearly spontaneously combusted.  This time, it was tough but I do feel a little fitter now and I'm not dragging excess metal baggage up with me anymore and the difference is enormous.  Sometimes things aren't as infeasible as you might first think.

I'd had a cool shower three times before Hawes - the last one right before lunch.  The next one doused me at the top of Fleet Moss and then most of the way home.  But, I have thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed my outing.

1000 miles ticked over today on little blue bike 
1000 blips ticked over today for WharfedaleBex

And certainly more than 1000 raindrops!

Thank you for being there on my journey.

Update: and it makes me think more about words! Infeasible -v- unfeasible. I've left one of each because I can't find which I should use!

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