Blackbirds 1 - Slugs 0

A very early wake up for me - 3:30 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep - so got up at 4!

Plenty of time to catch up on blip journals before our granddaughter got up at 7!

Spotted this blackbird in the garden really giving a slug a good mauling - captured through the windows - so a bit hazy. As well as the bit in the beak, the rest of slug can be seen on the ground.

We went to York to John Lewis to utilise our free coffee and cake vouchers - and as ever we spent more in store than the vouchers were worth. This time it was a LOT more - and just as a little teaser, I may get to blip it over the weekend. Not quite an impulse purchase - but pretty close.

Lots of playing this afternoon - trying to tire out our granddaughter - which hasn't been too successful, she is still singing in her cot at 9:30 pm, having been there since 7. She is quite happy though.

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