Oy, you're ruining my shot.

I wrapped up warm and went off to get a photo of the Janie Seddon at dawn with the tide in. Although there was snow all round and a good white frost it wasn't as cold as expected.

I had taken several photos looking nor east, see extras, when I saw this person wading into the water with tripod. They set it up with much bending and fiddling then waded back to shore. Curiosity got the better of me so I went along to see who it was. "Morning. What are you up to?" I asked. Taking photos he said. "So am I". Oh no, did I ruin your shot? He apologised profusely and we discussed the difference between sunrise and dawn. He was there for the sun but doubted it was going to be red enough.
I admired his skill and bravery in the cold water but he did have waders on.

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