
By mef13

Living colour

The thing that struck me immediately today was how much  enhanced my Sunday morning outing to the paper shop was by the prolific street decoration all around.
Whenever I travel around I take note of just how welcoming a place is through the manner in which the local authority, in many cases equally, the local chambers of trade and commerce, have responded to the sheer glory of natural colour in hanging baskets, floral street furniture and, as in this instance, barrier mounted planters at the roadside.
The visual impact it has on visitors and residents alike is immeasurable. The tangible benefit is in attracting shoppers to spend time, and money, here, rather than move on to the next city, town, village or shopping centre.
I can visualise my own hanging baskets at home looking like this, although just at present I can only envy the prolific treatment on the streets that I have seen today. Not just the occasional display. But everywhere throughout the borough where it is possible to provide living colour, it seems.
This is one initiative I wholeheartedly applaud. It makes life so much richer.


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