If you can't beat them...

By Jerra


Another day up in Edinburgh with #2 daughter.  A day aimed at doing as much practical work on her Allotment raised beds as possible in the time available..  We had brought up from Cumbria a large amount of Larch (Scottish as it happens) to construct fruit cages.

Contrary to popular opinion this isn't one of them!  This is netting over the brassica area which even in the short she has had the plot has suffered much damage from Wood Pigeons.  Deliberately much higher than expected to allow Katkatkat to get in and tend to the crop, in particular take off any green shoots of Horsetail which may show.

Incidentally in  case you are wondering Larch because it has good rot resistance when in contact with soil and the weather.  So has Cedar but that is far too expensive.  After 3 of us working for about 7 hours the two beds were looking perfect.

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