Mono Monday: Communication

What does the photo have to do with communication?
Decided I would try out the new washing line. It is retractable. I pulled it out and was very pleased with myself. When I started to put the washing on I realised the washing would end up on the floor so I quickly went to 'Arkwrights' for a prop. This is the wonderful village shop that sells everything. Came home and started again, it took a while and I pulled the whole line out and wound it round the hook then put the prop in place. I went to Zumba came out so hot and sweaty. Got home and the washing was on the floor!!!!!!!
I remembered where I put the instructions and found the ones for use!!!! I needed to wind the line round the feet on the bottom of the plastic casing. Communication : READ THE INSTRUCTIONS !!!!!!!! Did another load of washing and it all dried beautifully in the hot sunshine.

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