The Historic Third Ward...

...was our destination today. It's located just 3 blocks south of the downtown area, & is one of Jennie's and my favorite areas (& after today, the babys' as well) to walk around because there are so many historical buildings--like almost every single one!
This area was settled by Irish Immigrants in the mid 1800's, & soon after became known as "The Bloody Third" due to the frequent fistfights they had. In 1892  a huge fire broke out in one of the shops & 50 mph winds helped spread the fire to the ward's other buildings. It was finally put out when cities like Chicago and Oshkosh sent horse drawn fire brigade units by rail to help Milwaukee's fire dept. The fire destroyed over 440 buildings and left more than 1900 people without homes. After the fire, some prominent local architects stepped in to design new  buildings, many of which were warehouses, & most of which are still standing today. In the 1960's the area was in a huge decline, but beginning in the late 1990's the area was totally revitalized--apartment and condo units were built on the upper floors of the old buildings and businesses sprouted in the lower floors. The area is now a hub of activity with lots of restaurants, spas, theaters, galleries and shops, some of which line the eastern edge of the Milwaukee River. I think we stopped in almost all of them, and ate outside at one of the newer restaurants that Jennie wanted to try--it was a good choice as the food was delicious! I bought some "Spotted Cow" beer for Tom, & came home with a bottle of Chardonnay for myself from the "Wine Thief", located in the Public Market. Another really fun day!
This isn't the best shot in the world, but I thought it gave a great idea of the buildings & I really love it when old buildings are given new purpose instead of being torn down! :)

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