
Woohoo, medals galore in the Olympics today. It was nice to finally hear the National Anthem and I must confess to shedding a tear along with the two women who won the rowing gold. Fantastic!
Miss E has decided her Olympic sport of choice will be cycling. When I asked her why she said it was because she "already has a bike".
Can't fault the logic!!!
Miss L had her two year check today - she's actually two and a half next week but I'm typically late in organising it!
Obviously I kmow it's not a test but I must say she did me proud - chattering away, finishing puzzles in record time, pretending to make us cups of tea and saying "I read book, I see cow, it goes "Moooo", we saw cow yesterday".
While I just sat and felt proud of her.
The Health Visitor was clearly a bit delusional though - she said how calm I always seem and that I'm a "born Mother". Ha ha, she's never seen me hit the wall* at 5pm and scream and shout like a fishwife as my children shout back and we all end up in tears......

*When I say "hit the wall" I do, of course, mean metaphorically!!!

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