Parish Pump

The old pump on The Green forms the logo of Newick Parish Council - which appears on the Parish Council Flag that flies just along the Green close to the village's new Centenary Stone.

The prohibition against the use of the pump to fill steam engines might still have some contemporary relevance, given the regular presence in the village of vehicles from the Claude Jesset Collection at Tinker's Park just a few miles away in Hadlow Down - except that no water seems to have flowed from the pump in several decades!

Thanks once again to all of you who expressed condolences here for the loss of Norman on Friday. We went back to the vet's today to discuss the results of blood tests they had taken not long before he died, from which it seems he had been suffering from a tumour that compromised first his liver and then his kidney function - something that would only have become evident right at the end, given the trait of rabbits (as a 'prey' species) to conceal illness until it becomes so severe it is simply impossible to hide it any further. We were assured that Norman would not have suffered much until the final 24 hours or so of his life.

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