Tiny .......

 ........ Tuesday61 (TT61).

A camera + real magnifying glass shot to capture the centre of a lily.
I've done one of these once before and find it fascinating - I know you can do it in an "app" or in a post-processing software thingie but this is the real deal.

Thanks to 60plus (I think/hope) for hosting this week's TinyTuesday.

The hospital appointment has resulted in a date of August 8th for an in-patient  "procedure" followed by histology and possible treatment for anything that may be needed ....... not the best news in the world but definitely not the worst either.  
Am being a Tigger and not an Eeyore and thinking positive thoughts.

Thanking you for all your lovely comments and stars (and a heart) for my silly sausage photo yesterday ...... they are going to be sizzled for breakfast today (that's the sausages, not the stars, heart and comments!!!)

Until tomorrow .............

~ Anni ~

Smile for the Day:

Man:  " Doctor, doctor, some days I feel like a teepee and on others I feel like a wigwam "

Doctor:  " Calm down, I think you're just two tents!! "

(say it quickly)

Boom boom !!

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