Flower series #27

This is my first daffodil this year. I like to get assorted ones so they flower for longer periods. I don't like to get other types of bulbs in mixed batches as you get such a mix of colours but with daffodils they are mostly yellow to cream shades.

The day was perfect for gardening after a cold start. The first "Park Run " was held in our town this morning and I went along ( to walk). There was a big crowd of between 250-300 people. Many who didn't finish were not counted. That included me, half the course was enough for me and my knees were so painful afterwards I needed medication. Apparently Park Run is held all over the world and my boss, who is a keen runner, and some others have worked hard to get this one started. Many of my work colleagues and their families and dogs went along. I guess it was fun if you can say that about exercise. Becky who has been staying with us for the last few days came too and she came 27th. Wow.

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