There is room in the garden for everyone!

Dear Diary,

I am continuing my theme of inclusion with a trio of my "wild" flowers.  Actually, only one is really wild, the other two are just "expressive".  My wild lettuce, which I posted earlier, is now well over 10 feet high and rising above the porch roof.  It is also blooming little puff balls!  Quite fun to look at.  I am so glad I let it be.

The yellow spidery looking plant is a bulb I planted last fall and failed to save the information on it.  I've tried to find it on-line but no luck so far so if anyone has a clue I would appreciate it.  The last one is an annual papyrus which is quite tall as well and very unique surrounded as it is with day lilies and hosta.

I also have a lot of wild phlox which most gardeners pull out but I like it and so it has a home in my garden.  I once had a little garden made up entirely of "weeds".  But when they are planted together it made for a very pleasant place.  We all have something to contribute and we must make room for everyone.

In her speech Thursday night Hillary spoke of planting seeds even when we know we will not live long enough to see the result.  It was one of the most important things she said I thought.  Gardeners understand this.  I just wish our world of "instant gratification" would learn it too.

If we cannot now end our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. - John F. Kennedy

(Another great Democrat and the first political campaign I worked on in 1960 as part of Civics project in school.)

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