
By KirstyHalbert


My, my, there goes summer! Gloooomy today. I took this as I stared out of the tearoom window at work, watching the mist engulf the buildings and the pigeons swirl through the soupy air. Something had set a flock of them off here, away from their roost on a ledge on the red building to the right. I'm afraid the weather matches my mood a little... I was so upset yesterday that poor M didn't really know what to do with me last night, it really does knock the wind out of you when someone close to you points out your worst personality flaws and then uses them as the reason for no longer wanting to be friends. Unfortunately today I'm still running through her comments and feeling sad about them, even though M spent all of last night trying to make me feel better.

I must snap out of this: I have lots to be smiling about at the moment. M and I have dinner plans with N and some of her friends tonight before she heads off to Australia, and my Mum and Dad are coming up at the weekend to spend some time with M and I. I've got to remember too, that I'm a very lucky girly to have a partner as supportive and lovely as M is; he is just so good at knowing when I need a hug or a thoughtful compliment. Not to mention how much I love my job, and how thinking about the future plans M and I are laying puts a massive grin on my face! Feeling better already. Apologies for the two Blips in a row with a sort of blue feel; this blog has become my little chronicle of my year after graduation, and as well as recording all the happy highs, I want to remember all the other bits too... As rubbish as they feel at the time!

Took today's Blip with the Leica... All the expensive SLRs in the world couldn't replace my little handbag compact... I love the Canon too, but this wee camera will always have a place in my heart as the essence of my photography: I aim for an interesting picture over a technically "good" photo any day, but my aspiration is to hit both targets. I find the key is ALWAYS having the wherewithal to take a photo, and the Leica's size makes it unbeatable.

Definitely better BIGGIFIED.

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