
Miss E gets coins to put in her pig when she's good.
And generally the threat of taking one out again is enough to give her pause for thought when she's being naughty.
Actually, they get taken out when I need change for the carpark or the vending machine at swimming, or I need some "treasure" for the Little Misses to magically find in the sand.... But Miss E doesn't know that!!
I generally make it so she's got about £2 or £3 so when we go to play centres or to the shops she can choose what to buy herself and doesn't ask me for more.
On the whole it works pretty well and she has grasped the concept of having to choose an ice cream or a ride on the roundabout because she can't have both.
And I always try and take her by surprise with it. Rather than saying "do x and you can have a coin" I wait until she does something good and then say she can have a coin for being such a lovely girl.
When I was younger I had to clean out the chickens and wash the car for my pocket money. It's important to me that they learn that money doesn't grow on trees. You want it, you earn it!!
Ha ha, mean Mummy!

August Challenge:
1. Outside
2. One
3. Coin
4. Somewhere you sat
5. Logo
6. Writing
7. 8 o'clock
8. Glasses
9. Messy
10. Ring
11. Purple:
12. Spoon
13. Simple
14. Arrow
15. Ready
16. Food
17. Faces
18. Inside
19. Hole
20. Today
21. Cool
22. Home
23. Pair
24. Path
25. Fresh
26. Dream
27. Tap
28. Clock
29. Down
30. Card
31. Hidden

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