Not just another seed but a FOCUS STACKED seed

I had little to blip so thought I better try something different with this cone and seed. I took it with the macro setting on the EOS 70D as the macro lens had to go back to blipmate. However I took 5 photos with different focuses/focusii/focus and then tried to use a free 30 day trial of Zerene Stacker that I downloaded. Little result so then watched the you tube video. My main fault was not allowing the programme to "do its thing" before clicking the next step and it got muddled.
An awful lot of toing and froing between Lightroom and saving files as Zerene won't accept RAW just jpeg and tiff.
Then into the plugin Define2 and Viveza and result.
For a first try I thought it was OK but when the new macro lens turns up I can see it will be a real boon.
Except it took ages.
A super sunshiny day after a frost has seen me do little other than walk, read, make soup and vacuum.

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