Mono Monday...Taste

About 45 years ago, when I was a junior in high school, 3 friends and I took off in my Dad's 1968 Buick LeSabre...bound for Ft. Lauderdale, Florida...1,500 miles away. It wasn't long before we got hungry.

From the backseat I heard..."WHITE CASTLE! WHITE CASTLE!" I had never been there, so I agreed.

This was back when I was in shape, and could really eat. The burgers were small, so I ordered six.

They TASTE-d not-too-bad going down, but an hour later...they weren't TASTE-ing too good. It was the last time I've ever ate them. Some people swear by them...but I'm not one of them.

By the way...about the trip...we broke down 60 miles from the Florida state line (a busted wheel bearing), but that's a story for another day.

This is a back blip, because we spent the entire afternoon and night with my sister in the hospital.

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